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Support survivors and end sexual violence.

Find a comprehensive database consisting of local and national organizations dedicated to providing services and safe spaces for survivors of sexual violence, healing stories, as well as articles and a glossary of terms to help give voice to your experiences. You are not alone.

Many of us are survivors, too; so we know that empowering others through empathy is often a part of our own healing journeys. Inside, you will find research studies on sexual violence, a database of regional and local laws addressing sexual violence, as well as sexual violence statistics.



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Survivor Story Series

We asked survivors to talk about their journeys to healing... and they agreed. The Survivor Story Series illustrates the path from pain to finding purpose. These may be triggering for those of us who have experienced sexual violence. Please do not feel obligated to watch, or to watch it alone.

To those who have had to experience sexual violence in their lifetime:
We see you. We hear you. We believe you.

Explore the resources available to you.

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